
30 weeks pregnant

How far along? 30 weeks

Baby’s size: around 3 pounds still (brain growth is happening more than physical this week, from what I read)

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: still waking up early, but super grateful!

Worst moment this week: My feet have been getting really sore lately and I feel like I am getting a cold again. :p

Best moment this week: The baby started shoving her knees or elbows out while Chloe was close by. I asked her if she wanted to feel her baby sister. I put her hand on my belly and asked if she could feel it. She said that she could and looked a little confused. Either way, it was really awesome to know that Chloe got to feel her baby sister. 🙂

Miss anything? Normal clothes.. that is so vain, but I am already tired of maternity clothes.. they are not attractive at all unless you have absurd amounts of money to spend.

Movement: Lots of movement and HICCUPS!!!!

Food cravings: I really want chips and salsa, but heartburn.. Oh, heartburn!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn and coughing a lot..

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: I am hoping that all of these Braxton hicks mean that labor will go much more quickly this time than previous labors.

Belly button in or out? still mostly out.. so funny

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy

Looking forward to: seeing this baby.. I am so anxious to hold and cuddle this sweet little miracle!!!!