
27 weeks pregnant

How far along? 27 weeks

Baby’s size: 2 pounds(ish)

Total weight gain: around 20 pounds.. absurd.

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: not so great

Worst moment this week: Looking out the window this morning to see SNOW covering the ground..

Best moment this week: Last night we got to go out with Pastor and Marilyn to a MBBF dinner at Golden Corral. It was so nice to get to fellowship and relax a little. Plus they had a CARMEL fountain!!!! Also, I think that we are finally settling on a name for baby girl!

Miss anything? unlimited iced coffees and my hands not going numb every night!

Movement: She must be getting more crowded because her wiggles seem to be slower.

Food cravings: Nothing.. everything sounds gross. That is so annoying! haha!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn is brutal!

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: nah

Belly button in or out? still half and half.. Chloe informed me that my belly button has a belly button.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody.. The girls are finally over their sickness, so we could actually get out of the house, but it has been yucky outside. :/

Looking forward to: Getting that stinkin’ baby’s room done. I have been cleaning it out so that there are no excuses.. Hello backache!!

This is the view that our baby is going to have when laying in her crib if SOMETHING doesn’t get going!!