
25 weeks pregnant

How far along? 25 weeks

Baby is the size of: 1 1/2 pounds approximately!

Total weight gain: I’ll find out on Friday.

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: same

Worst moment this week: Today.. that is all.

Best moment this week: I spent the weekend with my parents!! I love when they come to visit!!

Miss anything? not ramming things into my stomach all the time.

Movement: loads

Food cravings: sweets

Anything making you queasy or sick: I was at the doctor on Friday and was told that I have “viral pharyngitis”.. basically my throat feels like it’s on fire, I keep coughing and my sinuses are so clogged that I sleep with my mouth hanging open so that I don’t suffocate… and there is NOTHING that I can do about it. 🙁 Plus heartburn is still killer.

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: Nah

Symptoms: The obvious..

Belly button in or out? still half and half

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy

Looking forward to: I am still looking forward to getting the nursery done. There is a lot of stress and unknowns surrounding us right now.. doing the nursery will be a great way to get my mind off of it all!