
24 weeks pregnant

How far along? 24 weeks

Baby is the size of: I think she is supposed to be about 1 1/3 pounds now and a foot long πŸ™‚

Total weight gain: I am avoiding the scale this time. I am trying to just make healthy choices and embrace what my body is doing.. it’s hard though. πŸ™‚

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: I have really been struggling in the sleep department lately..

Worst moment this week: One of my children has really been testing her boundaries all week long.. so that is making every day hard.

Best moment this week: Well, both moments are totally unrelated to pregnancy, but my niece asked Jesus into her heart last night!!!! Also, we just had our mission’s conference at church. I have such a heart for mission’s and am so thankful for the sacrifices that they make to reach the world for Christ.

Miss anything? normal clothes.. I spend Saturday at the mall and it was almost depressing walking around thinking about all of the things I can’t fit in. (to not be a total downer, I am thankful that really flowy tops are in style because there are a lot of pretty colors that I can actually wear now!)

Movement: A LOT!! I could feel an elbow or knee pressing out and swishing back and forth yesterday morning. πŸ˜€

Food cravings: nothing.. I can’t eat a whole lot right now without feeling miserable.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still heartburn.

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: I have been feeling a lot of discomfort lately, but I am hoping it is related to the fact that I apparently really “popped” over the last week.

Symptoms: Big belly that moves, heartburn, hands going numb every night (so annoying!!!)

Belly button in or out? seems to be half and half right now! haha!

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy

Looking forward to: getting the walls in the nursery done so that I can get started setting up her room.