
11 weeks pregnant

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain: not sure
Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: stinks..
Best moment this week: We had an ice storm hit our state, and it knocked out THOUSANDS of people’s power. Our power, thankfully, only went out for a short time in the middle of the night.
Worst moment this week: I am losing my mind with one of my children and their crummy sleep habits.. literally about to completely flip out. She is so loud that she keeps waking her sister up a million times. A toddler should not stay awake until 10 or 11, and then wake up early.. all while SKIPPING taking a nap..
Miss anything? coffee.. feeling normal..
Movement: nothing yet
Food cravings: mozzarella sticks and cookies
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been feeling crummy no matter what I do this week. It’s a bummer..
Gender: Don’t know
Labor signs: nothing
Symptoms: the usual..
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: moody.. the lack of sleep and disobedient toddler behavior is really getting to me..
Looking forward to: CHRISTMAS is tomorrow!! We got the girls this huge, colorful kitchen and I am so excited to see their faces. I am making cinnamon rolls from scratch for breakfast, a ham for lunch, and pizza for dinner. It is our tradition every year to eat those things, and stay in Christmas PJ’s all day long. Though, I am too big for mine this year so I won’t have the festiveness. 🙁