
Wonderful Day!

Well, I can finally confirm that Chloe is my daughter. I had started wondering when she was unhappy every time at the mall… šŸ˜‰ Today, we went to Bass Pro Shops, expecting it to just be that store.  It ended up being attached to a HUUUUGE mall!! Chloe LOVED it! She was so excited she didn’t even want to waste time eating. It was so fun to get out of our town and go to this huge, bustling place. We got Chloe’s pretty Christmas dress and a silly winter hat for her.  They also had a Disney outlet store (Mommy’s favorite part) and we got a Minnie Mouse doll for her.  If it were up to me, I would buy the whole store!
Chloe is growing like a weed! I haven’t weighed or measured her in a while, but I know she has grown a ton since last month. I can’t believe she will be 3 months old on Monday! She is drooling like a St. Bernard now, and has the sweetest personality.  Everyone in the nursery at church talks about how good she is.  I’m so blessed to have such a happy baby!! We had a rough couple of days this week, but I think she was just in a funk. We are getting ready for our first big trip with her, and I am very nervous!! She has been spoiled with me being home all the time and refuses to take a bottle, so it will be a long trip.  We are also going to be seeing a lot of new people, and I think she is going to get overwhelmed.  I think we’ll have to pass on playing hot potato with her this time. Thats the beauty of being Mommy- I get to decide šŸ™‚ I’m so excited for everyone to see how much bigger she is, and just to see our families in general! Its been a LONG time!