

I saw my OB today. Nothing has changed. She said it was time to talk induction and asked “So, what works best for you?” I was just being a smarty pants and said “Well, today obviously..” to which she said “deal”. just kidding.. but almost. She said that she probably couldn’t get me in today, but that tomorrow or the day after she could. Say what?!?!?! So, tomorrow night at 8 I will be calling Labor and Delivery to make sure that the whole world hasn’t gone into labor. As long as there is room, they will be inducing tomorrow night. Woah. I will have THREE little girls that I can physically see by this weekend. Six little eyeballs watching my every move.. depending on me to take care of them.

How overwhelming, exciting, terrifying, thrilling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!

I won’t be posting this info. on facebook because people get ridiculous, and I don’t want a million visitors at the hospital because I am antisocial. 😉 Kidding. I just want to rest and be left alone as much as possible in the hospital. Please pray that we have a healthy delivery and no seizure activity. If I have a seizure while in labor, they won’t know if it is because of MY health problems, or if it is eclampsia. Eclampsia would end in a C-section, so I really don’t want that to even be suspected. I don’t really anticipate any problems like that unless if I come down with the stomach flu that has gone through the rest of the house. The good news is that if I do, it will help labor progress, and I will be in the best place for me to get fluids and meds through an IV.

🙂 My next post will be an announcement with baby girl’s arrival deets! AH!!