

It is Monday. Good grief.

Teaching phonics is like beating your head into a wall. Harper chooses that specific time to start crying and pulling on my legs. It doesn’t matter what time we start, or what time I do the phonics lesson, she cries then. She is fine the whole time Chloe is doing worksheets. But, once more one on one time is NECESSARY. Cries. Lots and lots of cries.

My husband woke me up wearing a batman mask and yelling my name over and over again. Every time I would say “What” he would just say “ASHLEY” in his batman voice. Not cool, husband. Not cool at all.

But, kinda funny.. aside from my strong feelings towards mornings.

I hope that your Monday is going well. National Coffee Day is tomorrow! Free coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts!!


  • Mrs. Neuby

    I was going to text you and tell you to go to Dunkin Donuts! haha. Guess I won't now. I think the boys & I may need to go celebrate Hubby's birthday for him. haha. Our Monday was AWFUL as well. Absolutely awful. Other than the baby–he was perfect.