
Weekend Links

We Are the Gardeners by Joanna Gaines released this week. I pre-ordered it, so it showed upon launch day. It is so beautiful, and I love the story. If you do books in Easter baskets, I highly recommend this one!

Photographer Captures Enchanted Real-Life “Fairy Forests” in Finland — some of the most beautiful images I’ve seen.

Homeschool families can sign up for next year’s Book-It program with Pizza Hut. (Ages 5-12)

This is on the menu for Sunday’s lunch.

Emily Ley always has the most fun cover reveal week. She has the most beautiful planners and offers such great advice for simplifying.

Nesting With Grace is one of my favorites. I love what they did to their patio here. It’s so simple, but such a big and fun impact.

Do you love a great free printable? I would have loved the baby one when mine were little!

I hope that you have a lovely weekend. If you think about it, please keep my family in your prayers. We are celebrating my Grandma’s life tomorrow. She was an incredible woman, and it feels like we’ll never be able to fully honor all that she was in her 85 years of life.