
Warrior Dash

Last year, I completed my first 5K! I ran in the Warrior Dash. Now, I think I was either insane, or driven, to make my first 5K one where I had to crawl in mud, jump hurdles, climb rope ladders, swim in 10+ feet deep water, and jump over fire. Yeah.. it was intense. I remember getting to the first obstacle and wanting to turn around and call it quits. Then, I lost my shoe in the mud and had to find it, dug the mud out, and put it back on because it was the shoe with my chip on it. At that point I just wanted to sit down and cry, because I slammed my bare foot into a tree branch that was buried in mud. My foot was badly bruised for the next couple of weeks (along with the rest of my body). My pelvis was COVERED in bruises.. A week later I found out that I was 5 weeks pregnant.. 6 weeks later I found out that the baby had stopped developing around 4-5 weeks gestation. You know what kept me going through all of this? Knowing that I was a St. Jude Warrior!

I raised donations for the few months before the race for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. They are amazing. Seriously, just look at their website. It costs them an absurd amount of money just to RUN the hospital, not to mention the cost of research, etc. They don’t charge the families a single cent. NOT ONE PENNY!! How amazing is that?! They operate completely off of the donations that are provided to them.

Where am I going with this? I am so glad you asked. If any of my “readers” uhh.. HI, Amy? would like to make a donation, I would totally appreciate it!! This hospital is incredible, and I hope that IF I ever need them, they will still be there for my family. I am sharing the link on this page. If ANYONE wants to share the link and help raise money for this cause, I would be so happy!! Every dollar counts, so please don’t think that your donation wouldn’t matter. Thank you so much!!!

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