
Valentine’s Day

I just watched the Hallmark Valentine’s Day commercial. They asked couples to say how they felt about each other without using the word “love”. It got me thinking. I say “I love you” to my family. Often. But, what does that mean? What do I love about them. Allow me a sappy posed dedicated to my husband and children. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. 😉

Scott, you are the greatest earthly treasure that God has given me. You unconditionally care for me. You are such a servant to everyone around you. You work hard to help out any time that you see a need, even if you are feeling rushed and overwhelmed. You work so hard to provide for our family, and you do an amazing job at it. You are an amazing father; willing to go the extra step for our girls. They cherish you, and can’t wait for you to walk in the door at the end of each day. You are a man of God; unafraid to stand for what He has commanded of you. You lead our family, even when it’s hard. You make me feel safe and secure, and do everything in your power to protect us. Thank you for being you.

Chloe, my first born. You are the beautiful little girl who made me a mommy. You are such an amazing gift of God. You have a smile that lights up a room. You’re so full of life and energy. You are kind, loving, compassionate, and strong. You are so intelligent, and constantly blow me away with how smart you are. You love to learn. You challenge me daily to live the way that I am supposed to. You are a reflection of my heart. You love all things girly; tutus, tiaras, and nail polish. I enjoy spending time alone with you, getting to hear your heart and dreams. You are an amazing big sister, and help out so much. Never, ever doubt that you are a LOVED little girl.

Addison, you were such a surprise when you came into our lives. One of the best surprises!!! You are beautiful, strong, and independent. You are outgoing and never meet a stranger. Your smile is infections and everyone around you can’t help but smile along. Your love of ponies and not wearing pants is so entertaining. 🙂 You are bright and silly. You are so affectionate and I never doubt that you love all of us. You tell us every day; multiple times a day. You love music and laughing. I am so blessed to be your mommy.

Harper, oh Harper. You have only been in our lives a short time, but I couldn’t imagine life without you. You are always smiling, and silly. You daily remind me what a gift life is. I can already see how wonderful of a personality that you will have as you grow. You are beautiful and full of joy every day. You are hard-working.. I mean, you are working your little tushy off to crawl. 🙂

I am such a blessed person to have this beautiful family. Valentine’s day might be just a silly holiday, but I thoroughly enjoy having this silly holiday to reflect on WHY I love the people around me!