
update for Aunt Curly

Well, my sister told me to update my blog.. so here it goes.. I guess the last thing that I really wrote about was that we were going to plant a garden. The garden was built (we BUILT a raised bed) a little late in the season. I have a huge watermelon vine that grew, but I don’t think that any fruit will come this late. I also have a huge sunflower plant. It is pretty and all, but I definitely didn’t plant sunflowers! haha!! Chloe just turned 2. She is talking up a storm now. She would talk a lot better without her stupid binky. I am trying so hard to break her of it, but she is one determined little booger. She is also a very LOUD booger when she is upset.. :/ She isn’t supposed to have her binky in her new sunday school class, so I’ve really got to break her at least during the day. You read that correctly. Chloe started in a SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS on Sunday. 🙁 She is no longer in the nursery on Sunday mornings. She brought home papers from church and it made me want to cry. She is getting so big. Her birthday party was fun. She was a little more excited about opening presents this time. She didn’t want to blow out her candle, and hid in my armpit when everyone sang to her. She sat next to her friend Brooklyn and chowed down on her cupcake. They were bright pink, and purple frosted cupcakes. She had a purple mouth, and Brooklyn had a pink mouth. It was cute to see them together. She is still pretty tall for her age, and I think that her weight is average. She loves Dora the Explorer. Any time she sees Dora she yells “gogo!!” I don’t know why she says it with a “g” now, because she used to call her “dodo”. Chloe loves to dance around. She watches the Backyardigans and will try to do the same dance moves that the characters are doing. I looked at dance classes around us. She could start next year after turning three, so we are going to look into it next year. We are trying to work on potty training. She will tell us that she needs to go potty right when she is going. It is getting frustrating. She loves to sit on the potty, but will never go! She has gone once in the 6 or so months that we’ve been sitting her on the potty. We put her in undies yesterday and she peed on the way to the bathroom. I am hoping we can get her potty trained soon. It would save quite a bit on diapers!!! Addison is 10 months old now. She has 7 teeth, and loves to BITE!! ugh.. She bit Chloe the other day. Chloe whined a little and pointed to her arm. She kept saying “boo boo” over and over again. Addison is standing on her own now. She cruises all around the room hanging on to furniture. She has only taken a couple of steps on her own, but will only take one at a time. The other day Chloe found their lawn chairs that my mom got for them. Addison used one as a walker, and was pushing it all over the house. She has started to eat some table foods. Today, we gave her spaghetti noodles for the first time. She gobbled them up. They were stuck all over her shirt, hands, hair, up her nose, and all over the floor! She loves to eat little pieces of banana and cheese cubes. She refused to eat any peas, but sort of liked the carrots. She doesn’t have as many teeth as Chloe had at this age, so I get nervous to feed her real food. I have to realize that most babies don’t have a full set of teeth before they turn one! lol! Addi is so smart. She says mama, dada, baba, nana, and has started to say what sounds like “hiiii!” She waves, and gives fives. She loves to clap and dance when music comes on. She sways around and head bangs. She is so much fun, and I am so glad that we were surprised with her! 😀 Every single child is a blessing, and I hate that people react in such a crummy way to news of a new baby. I couldn’t imagine my life without Addi. She may not have been part of MY plan, but she was part of God’s plan! Scott and I are doing well. He loves his new job. We have such a great church family. We have been here for a year now.. or right at a year. I think we moved out here on Sept. 9th. I was so excited to get here and decorate for fall! haha! I decorated for fall today. I am hoping that it will bring fall weather along a little faster. We both can’t wait to take the girls to a pumpkin patch! Last year, we went too late and all of the pumpkins were gone. We found a neat pumpkin patch though. It has a petting zoo and stuff. I just love fall so much. The smells, the crisp air, the pretty and colorful leaves, the comfy sweaters.. bring it on!!!