

It is the time of year when people start thinking about their New Year’s resolutions. I looked at the goals I had set for myself at the beginning of this year. I achieved ZERO of them. Woof. In fact, a few of them blew up in my face. They were great, and attainable, goals. But, zero accomplishment happened. That is pretty discouraging.

At church on Sunday night, Josh encouraged us to set attainable goals. He handed out sheets of paper and had us write goals for 3 months, 6 months, and one year from now. It was hard. It was REALLY hard because I have NO IDEA where we are going to be in three months. One month from now we could be without a home and without income.
Goal setting becomes hard, and quite honestly, it overwhelmed me. I wanted to cry. So, instead, I am going to have a “word of the year”. It is going to be a word that I focus on.
UntitledMy word is “TRUST”. Faith is not a problem for me. I KNOW that God can do anything. However, I don’t always trust that he will. Ouch. That really hurts me to admit out loud. I don’t trust that He is going to take care of it all.
The past several years have been incredibly difficult. It has been one trial after another, and I have stopped trusting  that God WILL protect us from the bad. I have come to expect the worst. I am not proud of it. I don’t like it. I want to stop.
So, trust I will. I will trust in what the Bible says “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)  It is going to be hard. 2016 is going to be HARD. But, I TRUST that God is going to use it all to achieve a greater purpose through it all.
Do you set resolutions each year? Do you achieve them? If you are choosing a word for the year, what will it be?