
The Grinch Tries Yoga

I saw my doctor yet again today. I asked her to please refer me to an endocrinologist because I am frustrated by not knowing what is going on with my body.

She said that with my latest blood tests, my T4 levels stayed the same, but the overall TSH had gone up. It is still in the normal range, but it did go up. That could be a sign that it is on it’s way to failure. Because it is chronically diseased and I have a goiter, it is a sign that my thyroid is eventually going to quit on it’s own.

I am really anxious to move forward with gaining some insight into my endocrine system. I asked about adrenal fatigue,  since I have every symptom listed. She said that it is possible that I am dealing with it, because my potassium has been low every time I’ve had those levels tested. But, the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and thyroid disease overlap. She said that I could be one of the rare people who has adrenal problems that have caused my thyroid problems. But, I also could not be. I may have to get a radioactive iodine test done, which will mess up breastfeeding for me..

I just want to do this..