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The Eve

Happy Halloween Eve!!! 
I usually really look forward to the day before Halloween. We usually carve the pumpkins that we picked from the pumpkin patch, make some super yummy Halloween themed goodies, and finish up on our costumes. There are also a lot of activities around town that we can take the kids to. Last year, we were able to take them to Kroger for their Kids Night Out. They have games, coloring sheets, cookie decorating, and of course trick-or-treating.
Here are some snaps from last year.

 They were just the CUTEST Elsa and Anna in my opinion. Harper was dressed like Olaf, but she was still so itty bitty that I kept her at home.
And then…..

Snow.. It snowed on Halloween.. It snowed quite a bit and stuck for the night. Thankfully, by morning it was gone! Let’s hope that does NOT happen this year. Ok.
This year, my Halloween Eve involves a MOUNTAIN of laundry and a lot of lysol spraying. We haven’t even made it to our own pumpkin patch because we were out of town the first week of October, and have had someone sick every day since then. Addison seems to be on the upswing. She has not been sick since yesterday morning, so I stripped everything that was fabric from their bedroom and it is getting washed AGAIN. I feel like I am “nesting” and am cleaning out my cleaning supplies and all sorts of other crazy things. I think we’re all just going stir crazy.
She still had other issues yesterday, so we are staying home still. Plus, Kids Night Out happened on Tuesday. I was so sad. However.. You guys, your children are contagious for 24 hours after they are “better”. Please keep that in mind.. it’s really unfair to expose everyone else to their sickness. It’s unfair that she has missed out on so much, but it’s even more unfair to put tiny babies and chemo patients at risk of dying all because of a little fun. I get really irritated by that EVERY year, so consider that my rant.
I am going to make it up to her and find ways to make it all really fun. We have a few small pumpkins that their Mimi and Papa P got for them, so we will get out some paint to decorate those. We have cookies to make as soon as we are in the clear. It is finally not supposed to rain today, so we may even get to go outside for a little bit. It’s been a L-O-N-G week, but it is Fri-YAY and daddy is off, or supposed to be. With ministry, you just never know. 🙂
I hope that you have a fun and SAFE Halloween weekend!