Taking Stock

Taking Stock

Making: A lot of lists– packing lists, food lists, to-do lists.. and piles.. (We are heading to Cuyahoga this week.)

Drinking: coffee with maple syrup and half and half

Reading: Mama Bear Apologetics for me, The Victory Garden with the kids, and listening to an advanced copy of Food Saved Me

Wanting: this apron haha!

Watching: Scott and I started watching the show Heartland and we really like it.

Listening: Homemaker Chic podcast or the piano music station on Pandora

Wishing: that normalcy and critical thinking would return to society….

Enjoying: walking with my mom almost every morning

Loving: the cooler weather and having my windows open!!

Hoping: for a safe trip this week

Needing: a new minivan. Never buy a Chrysler.. ever.

Feeling: grateful. Some excited new changes are happening in our family, and I am so thankful.

Wearing: Scott bought me some pajama pants with pumpkins on them, and they make me happy.