Taking Stock

Taking Stock

Making: Homemade pizza! The dough I make is from Magnolia Table volume 2.

Drinking: coffee. always coffee

Reading: I haven’t FINISHED reading a full book in over a month. I’ve got a few that I have been too busy to read for myself. I’ve been reading “The Secret Garden” by Fances Hodgson Burnett with the big girls before bed. We’ve also been reading “The Horse and His Boy” by C.S. Lewis at lunch time.

Wanting: Sleep. I haven’t been able to sleep well all week, and I’m so exhausted.

Watching: Scott and I started watching Poldark after I get home from work. So far, we like it.

Listening: Frank Sinatra. I love having Frank Sinatra radio on Pandora while I’m working away in the kitchen.

Wishing: That I had a grain mill. HA! I’ve been watching so many homesteaders grinding their own grain. It looks so fluffy and yummy.

Enjoying: The cool, crisp weather. I love this time of year.

Loving: I love that I can bake again without making our air conditioner run non-stop! Bread season is here!

Hoping: That our chickens will start laying soon! They are at the youngest age that these breeds start laying. But, it’s getting cold and may be longer still.

Needing: I need to figure out where to plant our rhubarb. I need to get the last of Addi’s birthday presents purchased.

Feeling: I don’t’ even know. So many things..

Wearing: Lots of compression socks. Thrilling, I know.