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Sustainable Kitchen

I know Earth Day isn’t until next month, but we should start being responsible NOW. Plastic is a huge problem, and recycling isn’t the total solution. This video was really eye opening.  We absolutely should be recycling, so don’t misunderstand what I am saying. Responsible recycling is so important. But, trying to eliminate waste is the best solution.
I’m going to share some of my favorite products that we use in our kitchen to eliminate waste; since most of our waste comes from there.
sustainable kitchen
Stasher Bags– I know I’ve shared these before. They are pricey, so just buy one at a time when you can afford it. They are so thick and well made. They have the easiest zipper to use BY FAR. I’ve tried several brands, and this one is the winner. They come in three sizes, which is awesome. You can put them in the oven, freezer and dishwasher. I put them on a drying rack to make sure they are completely dry before storing it away. But, honestly, it goes from use to use.
Produce Bags– I love these. My only issue is consistently remembering to take them to the store. I prefer to pick my own produce rather than grab pre-packaged produce. I can make sure I’m not buying beat up fruit and veggies. These are really soft, and there are so many sizes. (At the time I am posting this, there is a 5% off coupon that you can clip.)
Water Bottle–  (15% off with this link) Water bottles are probably the biggest culprit of plastic clogging up landfills. A stainless steel water bottle keeps your water cold. Get a cute one that you love, and you are much more likely to use it.
K-cup– This is a cheaper way to enjoy a single serve cup of coffee, and you waste a whole lot less. I also just discovered this coffee company that has a compostable k-cup. I bought some of their coffee and it is delicious!!! (Salted Caramel is the best.)
Cloth Napkins– I love using cloth napkins. I’m admittedly a messy eater. How Scott didn’t leave me sitting at the table alone on our first date, I will never know. I go through a LOT of paper napkins in one meal. Cloth napkins work so much better. Plus, there are so many cute patterns. I watched the end caps at Target, and was able to get a lot of cheap napkins that way.
Bee’s Wrap– Full disclosure- I have NOT tried this yet, but want to so badly. I’ve seen tutorials for making your own. I just need to find the right fabric. This would be great for wrapping around fresh bread.
Glass food storage– I love my pyrex food storage containers. The don’t stain like plastic does, which is a huge win for me. This set is on sale right now for a great price!!
Other tips are the obvious avoid using paper plates and paper towels as much as possible. Also, start a compost pile. It doesn’t have to be huge. Throw your food scraps in the compost bin/pile/whatever. They break down and are so good for the soil.
We have made these small steps over several years. Change isn’t always easy. It’s hard to get used to using reusable zip bags instead of grabbing a plastic baggie and throwing it away when you’re done. I’ve loved the money we have saved in the long run. Napkins aren’t super expensive, but the savings add up over 8 years!
Is there anything you would add? Do you already use any of these in your own home?