

We have been battling Chloe’s first sickness.  It is only a cold, so we haven’t had to take her to the doctor, but I did buy everything “vapo” (vapo-rub, vapo-bath, vapo-plug in) and some saline drops for her little nose.  She sounds much better today.  I was hoping the “supermom” gene would kick in for me and I wouldn’t get sick, but I was wrong. Last night my nose got super stuffy and this morning I woke up really stuffy with a sore throat.
Chloe has really discovered her toes this week.  She has been laying on her back holding on to them.  She has also discovered how to pooch her tongue out by pushing the tip of it against her gums and pushing the center out.  She spends probably 75% of the day doing both of those things. haha! Its very cute.  Right now she is SITTING next to me with only my leg for support on her side.  She keeps grabbing at my hand 🙂 I love this little girl so much and think she just gets cuter and cuter every day.