
Such a big girl

thanks grandma for my cute onesie!
Chloe is such a big girl now.  She is rolling over.. not quickly.. it takes a lot of work but she’s doing it!  She tries to pull up when she holds your hands.. sometimes it just takes a little tug to get her going and she can get the rest of the way up as long as she has your hands.  She can hold onto some of her toys (and mommy’s hair!).  Last night, she was swinging at a butterfly I had hanging over her head and she finally figured out how to hit it.  She used mostly her left hand so daddy is pretty excited!  Grandma (Mimi) Manning got to watch her do this on Skype.  Then, she finally caught the butterfly and kept looking at daddy as if to say “look, daddy!! I caught it!!!”  I LOVE this girl!! I am sooo thankful for the blessing of being a parent.
Oh, yes! I am also very excited about this.. I entered Chloe into “the cute kid” contest on parent’s magazine.  There are literally thousands of kids in this contest for this week.  She was in 91st place yesterday so we need lots of votes.  She would win a cash prize, and then be entered into the cute kid of the year.. I know its a long shot to win that because it does come down to a popularity contest.. but PLEASE vote if you can 🙂 The link is on my facebook page 🙂