
Successful Summer Memories

I apologize for the “randomocity” of my post yesterday! My brain was in far too many places to have any logical thoughts.

The girls did not like the sprinkler at first. They both cried. I unhooked the sprinkler and just sprayed them with the hose. They loved playing in the water that way. Our sprinkler is a little fierce though. It is one that is like an extension of the hose, then has all of these mini-hoses that come out and spray all over the place. They wiggle around and randomly shoot you in the eye. I know that when they are older they will love it. Right now, I think it’s just a bit much for them. I will have to find one that is a little better for their age. We all had a blast.

My hubby was super stressed out yesterday. We have taken on re-painting our youth room. On top of that, Pastor just left for a 3 week vacation. That means that Scott has to paint, mow the entire church property (which is MASSIVE), do a wedding this weekend, get ready for a possible funeral (that sounds terrible.. pray for this sweet man who is losing the battle with cancer), and do all of his normal youth work. He came home to Addison playing in the sprinkler while Chloe finally got a much-needed nap. He threw on some clothes to play in, and had more fun than the girls did. Chloe eventually had to be woken up so that she could play, too. Scott kept saying over and over again how much fun he was having. I am so thankful for the little things in life. My life really is beautiful! I am so unbelievably blessed!!

I will post some pictures later! Enjoy today! You will never get it back!