
Stroller plans

I have hit a snag in the stroller plans.

Found one that looks exactly like the initial choice. Reviews are the same.



Ok, it’s not that big of a deal. But, I do plan to use it for the next several YEARS, so I want to make the right choice on getting one that will last.

This is nonsense.. I am just excited that I have the time to save up for one that I really REALLY like, and not just must buy the first one we can afford!!!!!!!!!!! I wish that our old single wasn’t broken because that would obviously be the easiest choice. Oh, well.

I actually like this Britax one’s look better. It just looks so clean.

I used to be this person who was super into bright colors and patterns. My tastes have changed SO much. I like having a place for my eye to rest. Minimalism is what it’s called, I guess. I am leaning towards that now. Harper’s bedroom is my happy place. It is so softly colored and it all matches and is clean. It’s perfection… In fact, I have this brown breathable bumper that I used for both older girls. I got brown because it was neutral and I figured that if we had a boy, I could reuse it and not worry about it clashing with “boy colors”. ha! Harper’s legs were getting stuck through the slats of her crib and I refused to put it on because it was going to ruin how calm her room felt. I think that Target loves me (or hates me..) because they had a soft pink one on clearance for $8 this weekend. I left it behind because I didn’t want to spend the money on it, even though those things are usually around $30. Scott sent me back INTO the store to buy it… after I had already checked out and climbed into the van to head home. I am really happy that he did because I can blame him for that purchase. :p

Rabbit trail..

Anyway.. the Britax is currently significantly cheaper that the city mini. I think that it will just come down to whichever one is cheaper at purchase time. They look almost identical. I have heard more about the Britax brand, and it has all been good.

The end of the most pointless blog post in the world. Save me from myself.