chickens,  ducks,  homestead

Starting Over

After breaking the news that we lost our flock to the girls on Friday, we went to the local farm supply store to look at chicks. We figured we would see what they had available, but didn’t expect to come home with any. We were so surprised that they had pullets of every breed we talked about getting, so we came home with 10 new chicks.

We wished we had taken pictures of our other chickens as chicks so that we could have compared them. We got much more variety this time, and made sure we got our pictures. I think we will be able to tell them apart to know which one is which when they are grown.

Meet our new flock:

Bantams are just miniature breeds of chickens. We aren’t completely sure what they will end up being. They are so tiny! We will have some really nice variety in egg color. Marans are supposed to lay deep copper eggs. The barred rocks lay cream eggs. Easter Eggers are a surprise. It will be a fun summer when they start laying.

Oh, and did I mention we got ducks?

Ollie and Daisy
Duckie (Professor Mallard if you watch NCIS)
Ducky Duddle– if you are an Abeka mom, you know.

One of the ducks has wry neck. It was given to us because no one wanted it. We decided we would take it in and try to nourish it back to health. If it doesn’t make it, at least we did our best. I really don’t want to lose any more right now. Honestly, we don’t know much about ducks other than they need a water source and can be with the chickens. I bought this book to learn and hopefully we have all girls for eggs. The chicken equivalent of that book is also really good.

It’s really hard to be starting over when things were going so well. It’s hard to get out of the mindset that I need to go check on the chickens.. We have fourteen peeping babies in our house that keep us occupied. We will also be starting seeds soon! Spring is coming, my friends. We just have to get through the last of winter.