
Spring is here!

Hello to my few loyal followers! Spring has indeed arrived in Michigan. However, it is Michigan, and winter could still poke it’s ugly head in for an unwelcome visit!! We have had beautiful weather here recently. It is great timing, too, because my sweet girls are sick. We may not be able to go out in public and spread our germs, but we can play in our yard and get some fresh air and sunshine. Addison woke up this morning with a fever. It was a low-grade fever and she only had a slight cough so I wasn’t worrying about it. During naptime, her slight cough turned into a really terrifying sound. I decided that I needed to take her to the doctor ASAP in case she needed a breathing treatment or something. I have been really blessed in that neither of the girls have ever needed that, but this cough sounds so strange. Our pediatrician’s office closes at noon on Wednesdays, so I took her to the ER. I found out that she has a sinus infection. She is on an antibiotic for 5 days, and I am really hoping it works. She sounds terrible. Tomorrow we will be taking Chloe to the doctor. She has been coughing for over a week now, but it doesn’t sound as bad as Addison’s does, so I didn’t think anything of it. I figure it is better safe than sorry. Please pray that my sweet girls get well. We have had a terrible winter with sickness. My due date has come and gone. I survived. Scott got me a beautiful bouquet of tulips. God gave me strength and grace. I am going to be confessing something here. I have baby fever. BAD. Almost everyone that I know is pregnant or has just had a newborn. I miss those snuggles. I miss breast feeding. I miss rocking a sweet baby all day long. I miss it all. I love the phases that the girls are in though. Mostly. Chloe is still ornery, and I am actually going to be removing gluten from her diet to see if her behavior improves at all. She is such a strong-willed girl. That will be good in the future I think, but for now it is a little (lot) frustrating. She loves her Sunday School classes. She loves to go to church, and to Daddy’s “ossiss”. Addison loves her nursery teacher. She will be moving up to a real class in October. Yikes! They are growing up so fast. I really didn’t think that I was blinking. We just got back from our trip to Illinois a couple of weeks ago. We had such an amazing trip seeing our family. The girls handled the trip like champs. No real melt-downs. They behaved really well while we were with family. They loved everyone’s “puppies”. I found out that I will be blessed with TWO nephews this year. One from each sister. It was fun. It is always hard to say good-bye to family, but it is also nice to get back to our church family and OUR home. My parents will be coming up next weekend to stay for a few days. Scott will be heading to the fellowship meeting on Mother’s Day. I will be spending 5 days without him. My parents will still be in town for one of those days, so that will be nice. We are going to go on a DATE! What is that even like? I don’t remember! haha! Scott’s parents will be coming in June for our anniversary. They want us to go out and enjoy ourselves. I’m telling you, we have the greatest parents!! I am so excited. We haven’t been on a REAL date for a long time. We need to invest more in our marriage. I know that.