
Some days there are rainbows

Yesterday was an extremely emotional day for me. My husband was at work all day yesterday. The girls were all pretty quiet, and I was left reflecting on all that has happened this year. It has felt like bad news on top of bad news. I spent a lot of yesterday in tears. Some were hot tears from the emotional heartache of it all. Some were tears of joy because of all of the good that God has done for me; which far outweighs the bad.

This is probably going to seem really silly. Maybe. But then again, maybe not.

I entered this contest a few days ago. Sarah Mae wrote this book called “Desperate”. I read it a year or so ago. It is incredible. If you are a mother, you need to go buy and read it. It is so encouraging and uplifting. Anyway, the contest ended last night. I figured I probably wouldn’t win, so I never went back to check. I never win anything. Well, I won a baton when I was 10… sixteen years ago… This morning, she shared on her facebook to go and see if “you” won. I have never wanted to win a contest so much, so I went anyway. The first name on this list is “Ashley P.” I freak out and check my e-mail. Nothing. I feel so disappointed. But, then I scrolled all the way to the bottom.. where I read that ASHLEY PULLEN is the winner. Whaaat?! Ashley Pullen is a hyperlink, so I click on it, and am taken to MY facebook page. HOT DOG!!

I still am freaking out that I still haven’t received an e-mail. I start going through my SPAM folder. I start thinking about how I am going to miss out because I must have messed up my e-mail or something.. I am such a pessimist. I should really work on that.

I posted on a buy, sell, trade site wanting to sell something. Later in the day I decided to check my “other” folder to see if anyone was interested in it.

There, waiting in my “other” messages folder is a message from Sarah herself asking me to e-mail her!!!!!!!!!!! Good grief! I am such a dork. Seriously. If you know me at all, then you are fully aware of this FACT.

This year has felt like a storm. There are occasionally breaks from the thunder and lightening. Today, after something that seems as silly as winning a contest, I feel like a huge rainbow is painted in the sky just for me. I won a lot of really beautiful items that I can’t wait to decorate my home, ears, and purse with. But, I also won a lot of incredible books that I can read to encourage me!! I also get the opportunity to encourage other mommas by starting a book club for my FAVORITE book about being a momma! I can’t wait!!