
Some days I am in awe…

There are some days when I can’t believe this is really MY wonderful life!  It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting in the floor of Chloe’s room, fat, playing with her things…

….and now I am sitting in her bedroom playing so hard with her that she passes out on the floor!

She is so curious about the world and I love sitting on the floor with her playing with all of her toys.  She watches them all and smiles at the ones that she likes, and frowns at the ones she doesn’t like.  She “sits” on my lap and stares at pictures while I read to her. She is such a beautiful girl, and I hope that she ends up as beautiful inside.. I pray all the time about the person she is going to become. Pray that Scott and I can help her to become a kind, loving, and God-fearing *gulp* woman (one day..) For now though, she is my sweet and precious BABY girl!!