
Simple Pleasures

My kids, y’all. They are driving me completely insane today. I have broken up so many fights and listened to nothing but whining. Oh, but I can’t leave out the fact that one of my children hates me because I was trying to keep her from starting a fire on her bed.


It’s cool.

I thought I would share some simple things that are making me happy.. you know.. instead of letting my brain actually explode!

Iced coffee in a mason jar. There’s something about drinking out of a mason jar that makes me so happy. I also bought a few Mason Bar Company lids years ago, and love them. I don’t remember them being as expensive back then, but they’ve lasted 5+ years, so I guess it’s worth it! You don’t need a fancy lid. Just drink out of a jar.

Scentbird perfumes- I really only wear perfume on Sundays or special occasions. It’s been fun to test out different high end perfumes and smell really lovely for date night. (They also have men’s cologne.) My favorite has been “Get a Room”. I really hate perfume names. haha! Do you wear perfume or body spray? I prefer perfume because it lasts so much longer.

My job. Are you tired of hearing about it? I LOVE MY JOB. Last night, we had a stuffed animal sleepover. Sometimes I look at what I’m doing and can’t help but laugh. It really is true– do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Art for Kids Hub on Youtube- I don’t let my kids have youtube videos on unless I am right there. This is a cute channel with a father and daughter. He teaches kids to draw step by step. It has kept all three girls entertained, and taught them some really fun tricks.

I hope that your Wednesday is treating you well, friends. Find small things that make you happy if it’s not!