
Say hello to baby

Here she is! Her head is on the right and her torso is the blob that comes up out of it. 😉

She wasn’t wanting to sit still, so we didn’t get very good pictures this time.  I have another ultrasound on Monday, so maybe I will get some new ones.  The placenta previa that I was diagnosed with is apparently complete, so it will take a lot of movement to avoid a C-section, but they are going to check on Monday because it is possible that it has moved.  I was put on “restrictions” that really only affect Scott. haha! 
I went to the doctor this week because I have been having some really bad dizzy spells that cause me to almost faint.  I was referred to a cardiologist, so on Tuesday we will see what they say. I haven’t had any for two days, so now they probably won’t get any info.  Dr. Plymel said that more than likely I will wear a heart monitor for 24 hours so they can gather info about what is going on. Pray that they figure this out because it is scary to lose my vision while I am caring for a busy 10 month old. The other day I was giving her a bath and almost fainted. I was able to find the drain to empty the tub so that she wouldn’t drown if I did faint.  
This pregnancy has been A LOT more complicated than the last, but the baby is perfectly healthy and that is all that matters!