

Last week, I posted about having a “theme” word for 2014. My word for the year is SAVOR. I want to savor every moment with my girls. Their lives are just flying by already. I want to savor these months while it is just the two of them. Then, I want to savor the months when we have THREE!! I want to savor the time I get to spend with my husband (whatever that is..) Most importantly, I want to savor the time I spend with God.

I spend so much time wishing that WINTER WAS OVER. Considering that 6 inches fell on top of the 3 or so that we already had on the ground, and we are still supposed to get 7 or so MORE through the day and night, it is difficult for me to not wish it away. But, I need to savor this season. I always wish it was the next season, or the next month, or even just the next week. I miss out on so much of life because I wish it all away. I am going to savor it all this year.

I haven’t really set specific goals. I have things that I HAVE to get done this year.

1. Chloe will be starting Pre-K this year. I am homeschooling my kiddos for as long as I feel that it is what God wants of me. I am not a mom who feels that every single parent should homeschool. I just feel like that is what is best for MY family. I met with someone yesterday who homeschooled 4 girls, and is still homeschooling 3 of them. It was awesome, and I am so excited to get started, and much less overwhelmed feeling. My goal is to plan out the entire school year before Baby #3 arrives so that I won’t be panicked feeling come September.

2. Obviously, I have to get a nursery done for baby #3. I know what we are going to do whether we have a boy or a girl. We just have to get the room in the basement finished out before we can start on anything. I am trying to buy small things throughout the year so that the cost isn’t so much all at once. We are doing main colors no matter what gender we have, and throwing in specific colors once we know.

3. I want to really organize and simplify things around the house. Small spaces force you to throw junk away, which is a HUGE blessing. The spare room is full of junk that we haven’t thrown away, so that is what we really have to work on.

What are your goals for 2014? Are you going to have a “theme” for the year?