
Quarantine Life Lately

Is anyone else ready to get off this weather roller coaster? Last week, we had eighty degree weather that switched to damaging storms and winds. The temperatures dropped to below freezing. Yesterday, it snowed.

I’m sure that our blueberry and strawberry bushes didn’t survive, which is really heartbreaking. We were so excited for them. Everything that we have started inside has begun to grow, and I’m praying that our garden is successful this year despite the weather. Our cherry and apple tree have blooms on them, and they look so pretty!

Easter was so fun. The kids had to hunt for their baskets this year, which was so fun. They had a riddle to solve to find where they were hidden. My parents came over and watched the kids hunt for eggs from their truck. It was weird not sharing a meal with our whole families. Even when we lived far away, someone was always visiting on Easter. Our local Ace Hardware set up goodie bags outside for you to pick up. (I am that person that is spraying EVERYTHING off before anyone can touch it.)

The storm we had last week was wild. Flat line winds came blasting through out of nowhere. Our windows were still open and it blew so much dirt all over everything. We had a branch fall on the house, but thankfully it missed Harper’s bedroom window. It landed right next to it and there was a stick that was shot through the screen. There were a lot of limbs to pick up, but no significant damage. Some people lost barn doors and had damaged roofs.

It’s been pretty exciting around the farm. The farmers are all starting to work in the fields. It’s so fun to see the massive equipment driving down the road. I’m very excited for a front row seat to planting season.

How are you all doing? Stir crazy? Loving the slow pace? Sick of being home?