
Project Mode

The new year always brings a big kick in the pants for me. I get a fire lit underneath me and I want to go, go, go and do all of the things. I hope the fire doesn’t burn out quickly.
Yesterday, we had a water main break in town and have been under a boil order since. I spent most of the day running up and down stairs. I was boiling water in the kitchen and staying nearby so that Harper didn’t hurt herself. I would run downstairs to get the big girls started on a new task. I wanted to make sure we had plenty to drink and cook with in case they had to shut the water off for a while. I like being prepared. HA!
It felt like a blow to have been doing so well with my productivity and then have it sidelined to boil water. I am super thankful because Scott surprised me and bought the planner for me that I have been wanting! It is supposed to come today, so I’ll be stalking the delivery man (or woman?) until it comes. Hopefully it helps me to get organized and sort out my thoughts. My mind has been going a million miles a minute.
One of my projects has been cleaning up who I follow on Instagram. I want to follow people who inspire me and uplift me. If I see their pictures and feel myself falling into the comparison trap or just plain drained, I need to click that unfollow button. So far, it’s going pretty well. I like seeing my feed full of inspiration! If only Instagram would get rid of all of the junk that I don’t want to see.
I also spent a day cleaning up the storage in our homeschool room. I threw out dried up glue sticks, worthless crayons, and scraps of paper that can’t be re purposed. I sorted the colored pencils, markers, scissors, and other random odds and ends
We rearranged our living/dining room (more than once) and have found an arrangement that we love. If you follow me on Snapchat, then you saw me drawing a floor plan and putting my interior design courses to good use.
We’ve got setting up a new budget on our to-do list, cleaning the garage, laundry always, and putting the last of our Christmas decorations away. The decorations are on a pile in our downstairs bathroom. Woops.
It feels so good to check things off of my to-do list. It especially feels good that “drink coffee” is not getting crossed off because I’ve filled it with things that are productive and useful. (Does anyone else write ridiculous tasks down just for the satisfaction of crossing them off?) Coffee is useful, but not what I’m looking for in this area.
This weekend, we are checking DATE NIGHT off of our to-do list. YES!!!
What plans do you have this weekend?