
Our Daily Schedule

I love blog posts that give a real glimpse into people’s daily lives. A post on what you carry in your purse? I can’t wait to read it. You’re going to show me inside of your fridge? Awesome! I don’t just rifle through others’ things when I’m visiting– just so you are aware. But, if someone shares the info I will definitely eat it up.

I figured I’d share a glimpse into our homeschool days. We do Abeka Academy, which gives me more freedom.

I don’t wake the girls up at a certain time, but usually everyone is up by 6:30-7. We start the morning off slowly. I brew coffee right away. The kids will eat breakfast– usually cereal or frozen waffles (I found these and they sound so yummy).

We start school at 8:30. The girls can be pretty independent with their school work since they watch the academy videos. I am always nearby to help. Every two subjects, they get a ten minute break. This has honestly helped them stay more focused through the day.

Lunch is at noon. I have a good system that makes lunch prep easy, which I will have to share sometime. I set a one hour timer and they get that hour to eat and then play.

At 1, we get back to school. They usually finish up their classes by 3.

I have them do their homework, if they have any, right away so it doesn’t get forgotten. If not, they are off and playing.

Scott gets home at 3:30 from work, and I leave at 3:45. This schedule really stinks for us since we are basically strangers during the week. But, you do what you have to do.

In the evenings, the kids have a lot of programs. They are in gymnastics right now, so one evening a week is spent at class. Another evening is usually a library program. Wednesdays, they go to church. Scott is running them from place to place like Superdad.

We have usually tried to do dinner around 5, but with the busier schedules it just happens whenever it happens. I plan a two week menu for dinners. I have done menu plans since Scott and I got married. I truly don’t know how I’d function without it.

Scott gets the girls ready for bed at 8. I get home shortly after. I give them all hugs and kisses. I read a chapter in a chapter book to the big girls every night. Right now, we are reading Amelia Bedelia. Side note– it is really hard to say her name when you are out of your mind tired.

Obviously, when we have appointments, the schedule shifts. We start school later and finish later. If we have a longer appointment (we’ve had some big dental procedures recently) then we just do a half day. I thrive on a schedule, so I really dislike when something causes it to change.

I have to know– do you love posts like these?