
New Year, New Me!

I am really getting excited for the end of 2013, and the start of 2014. I know so many people who say that they don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because they never follow through with them anyway. I don’t like to set “resolutions”, so much as I like to set goals for myself. Last year, Scott and I sat down and wrote out some “family goals” that we wanted to achieve by the end of 2013. I can think of three of our goals.

1. Have Chloe potty trained. We achieved this one, other than that she wears a pull-up at night. Most of the time she wakes up dry, but there are nights that she is wet. I think that for a three-year-old, she is doing AWESOME.

2. Break Chloe of her binky obsession. This one has also been COMPLETELY achieved. She was still getting it at bed time and nap time because.. well, my sanity. My sweet, sweet, sanity. But, she chewed it up, and lost it. It was found a couple of days ago, but since she had been without it for a week or so, we threw it away.

3. Save 1,000 in 2013. We didn’t reach this goal due to unforeseen circumstances throughout the year. God has ALWAYS provided and taken care of us, so I really can’t complain. We did still save up some “emergency” money, but we just didn’t reach our goal.

I think that we may have set a couple more, but I just can’t think of what they were at this moment in time.

Where am I going with this? I read over on Jessica’s blog, Little Baby Garvin that they are doing a big link-up party after the new year about your resolutions, or even a “theme” that you want your family to have throughout the year. I love the idea of having a word that you focus on through the year. If anyone wants to join in the fun, go check out her blog post and see the instructions. I will be thinking of my goals for 2014, and a word that I want to focus on through the year, and posting them on here at the end of the week.