
My lumps..

If you have ever breast fed a baby, you know that things can get.. lumpy.. in the mornings. I was making sure that I didn’t end up with mastitis (My goal is to nurse Harper without ever getting it.. we’ll see) when I felt a lump that didn’t feel normal. I had my 6 week checkup today and had my doctor check it out. She is almost certain that it is not cancerous, but is sending me to have an ultrasound done just to be safe. I am not sure of the date yet, as they are setting it up for me and will call to let me know when it will be.

Please pray that it ends up being nothing. I am sure it is, but there is always the possibility that it COULD be something. On the first day of May I was in my 7th month of a normal pregnancy, and the only health issues I had were exercise induced asthma and insomnia. On May 8th I ended up being in my 7th month of a high risk pregnancy, being diagnosed with a seizure disorder, and finding out that I have a heart defect. I took a painful express flight down the stairs a week later, and while getting my epidural during labor I was told I have slight scoliosis. Phew.

You know what though? GOD IS STILL GOOD! He is in control of all of this, even if it feels like things are spinning out of control when it comes to my health. I can start working out now and am looking into getting some sort of supplement to help me get the nutrition that I need. I am busy, and about to get even more busy. Fast snacks are always junk and no good for me. I am really trying to improve this, but I need an extra boost. This dairy allergy is really making things difficult for me, but I know I will get used to it. Once I get the hang of it, I may not want to go back to “normal”.

Please just keep me in your prayers as I am feeling a little nervous.