
mini milestones

Ok, so maybe these aren’t milestones.. but definitely signs that my baby is growing up.  She has officially moved up to 3 to 6 month clothing. (her 0 to 3 month stuff wouldn’t fit over her head.. I figured it was time to move up a size lol) She has also moved up to size 2 diapers! I want so badly for her to stay little, but I also want so badly to find out who she is going to grow up to be.. and I’m excited and nervous to watch her grow.  My favorite “new” thing is that if I hold my hand out in front her her she will reach out and grab my finger and hold on for dear life.  I love that she can “hold my hand” now- intentionally.

I love this little girl’s personality already!

She has always been addicted to her pacifier.. and she has started to reject it at times.  She will make a face, almost like it tastes bad, and then spit it out.  This doesn’t happen often, but she is becoming more content to suck on her hands then to have a piece of plastic shoved in her mouth! I love each new day with her and cherish every moment. I realize how incredibly blessed I am to have a happy, healthy baby that I get to spend all day, every day with!