
Meal Planning

I am a type-A person. I like all things planned and organized. I can’t handle clutter and spur of the moment planning, though I am working on it. I have three little ones. Clutter happens. The baby spits up on herself as soon as we are ready to walk out the door.

I plan meals two weeks at a time. Pay day is every 2 weeks, so I do one big shopping trip for most all of our groceries, and then go back when we need milk, bread, etc. I usually use a piece of construction paper and a marker/ruler situation. It drives me nuts because I can’t ever get things perfectly spaced and I run out of room.

I found these awesome weekly menu planning sheets. They are great because I can write down what I need for each meal! Plus, they are FREE to download! WIN-WIN. They also look so clean and sleek. There really is no bad here. Meal planning has become increasingly difficult as of late with all of the foods that I need to avoid for my thyroid health and the food allergies that Harper has. I used to really look forward to planning the meals that we would eat as a family. Now, it just makes me want to rip my hair out! These pretty little sheets have brought some joy back into the meal planning; they are much prettier than my construction paper and Crayola markers.

Day Designer also has a lot of other free printables to download that you should go check out.

AAAAAAAAAAND the company has these beautiful day planners that I love. If anyone wants to purchase this one for me, you can go on ahead!! 😉 Sea blue and obsessive organization.. you can’t go wrong!!

*This is not a paid post by any means, I just really love what I have seen and wanted to pass it along to my friends.*