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Mama & Little Love

I am a huge supporter of small businesses. I have mentioned MANY times on Instagram that I love Mama & Little teething jewelry. All of their necklaces are adorable, and they have bracelets and bangles that don’t clang around every time you move your arm. Best of all, they are perfectly safe for Harper, my one-year-old, to chew on. They are the ORIGINAL teething jewelry company, and the best!


Image from Mama & Little

I have owned the Olivia in sweet mint and Zooey in sweet mint necklaces along with the Goldie and Michelle in cream bracelets for quite some time now. I bought my first teething necklace last year and have been hooked ever since.

There are so many sweet little touches on the jewelry. Their name is engraved into the clasp on each necklace, or found somewhere on the jewelry; but not in such an obnoxious way that you feel you are a walking advertisement.

When I was chosen to host a giveway, I freaked out. I love everything they sell, so deciding what to buy was more difficult than it should have been. HA! I finally settled on their biggest seller, the Teresa in mermaid along with a double strand Deila Marsala necklace.  But, the Nicole in black licorice was thisclose to jumping into my cart as well. I’m coming for you.

I decided to add another bracelet to my collection as well. Since I already owned the Goldie and Michelle in cream. I settled on the beautiful Finley in sweet mint.

  • 12227601_578713842020_5497182212216792494_nI love this company. Did I already say that? Every order comes in an adorable draw-string bag and is wrapped in black and white striped tissue paper. I am a sucker for pretty packaging. They are already wrapped, so you can send them to any mama or mama-to-be as a gift. The draw-string bags are also so handy because you can throw your jewelry in it to keep in the diaper bag. I always keep my Goldie in the cute bag and store it in my diaper bag if I am not wearing it. It goes with everything, so I can throw it on whenever I feel like it, or hand it to Harper to gnaw on.
    12240077_578713592520_5766246039720630005_nHere are some facts for you about Mama & Little products:
  • High-quality 100% food grade silicone
  • Totally non-toxic; No BPA, PVC, lead, pthalate, admium, and latex
  • Necklaces feature a safety breakaway clasp. Clasp is not made for chewing
  • Can withstand high temperatures; wash with warm soapy water or in the dishwasher on the top rack; or even a baby wipe will do
  • Mama & Little jewelry is intended to be worn by adults ONLY, it is NOT a toy!
  • Do NOT leave jewelry with unattended children. Adult supervision is required!Here is the best news for you. Mama & Little wants to give YOU $50 to shop in their store! This giveaway will run through January 5th, and a winner will be announced here.This post was sponsored by Mama & Little, but all opinions and company love are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway