
Make today AMAZING


This is my mantra for the summer. You can’t just wake up with a bad attitude and expect the day to be amazing. Life is messy.

I want to be intentional with my time. I don’t want to just let life happen around me. I want to wake up and grab the day by it’s horns and make it awesome. I want to make memories with my girls. I want to love my husband fiercely. I don’t want to be on my death bed with regrets. I want to be able to say “Man, that was amazing.”

What about you? Life CAN be amazing. Sometimes you have to work for it. I have an amazing life. I have a God who loves and protects me.. and saves me. I have an amazing husband who I find ridiculously handsome. He is unafraid of leading our family to do what is right; to follow God. I have three beautiful girls who constantly make me laugh. Don’t get me wrong, they can make me crazy, too. But, they are awesome and hilarious. Life is pretty amazing.

I want them to have a fun and magical childhood. I want them to have tons of memories of playing and being loved on.

This is the start of a difficult week. I have spent a lot of time in prayer and memorizing scripture to get me through it. I am determined to make it amazing. I am determined to not let fear and doubt ruin it for us.