
Long time no blog

Baby girl at 20 weeks

I guess since it has been a month and a half I should update!! Baby girl is doing great. She is getting bigger and stronger every day, and is kicking me harder and harder. I’ve also been feeling the braxton hicks contractions a LOT. :/ I’m only 26 weeks, so it stinks that I’m already feeling them. Sometimes I have to lay down to get them to stop. I’m having a lot of “back labor” type pains lately. My back tightens and loosens rhythmically. The placenta previa is gone! Praise the Lord!!! I have finished all of the heart tests. I wore a heart monitor for over 2 weeks, and the doctor went on vacation so I am still waiting on the results of all of that.
There are going to be some big changes taking place in the Pullen household over the next month.  They are exciting, but completely nerve wrecking. I can’t really say what they are right now, but just pray for us. My family knows the situation, and soon everyone else will, too.

Chloe is such a big girl now. I am doing the finishing touches on her birthday party.  Her theme is “Look Whoo’s Turning One” so she is going to have owls. Her big girl bedroom is owls now. 🙂 She is walking all over the place, and has figured out how to run a little!! She loves playing with balls, and carrying a purse around the house. She still doesn’t really say many words. “mama” “dada” “boomboom” “baba”.. those are really the only ones that we can tell what she is saying. She babbles  A LOT!!  She also loves looking at books and pointing at the pictures. It sounds like she is trying to say “that” (dat) when she points. She can also point at your nose when you say “Where is mommy’s nose?” But, she can’t figure out CHLOE’S nose yet.  She is more and more fun every day. She has 6 teeth, and it seems like she has another one working its way out.  She eats EVERYTHING in sight. The only food she doesn’t seem to like is mashed potatoes.  She weighs around 22 pounds according to the Wii fit, but we will see at the doctor’s office. She doesn’t get a bottle anymore, only sippy cups!! She gives open mouth kisses, which are adorable. Sometimes she will even give hugs.  She waves and blows kisses, when she wants to that is.

Life is fun and crazy with a “toddler”, but I am loving it!!