Farm House

Little Corners

Small corners of the house are getting finished. I simplified SO much and donated so much while we were packing. While unpacking, I’m getting rid of more! I’m so tired of stuff. I’m so tired of packing and unpacking absurd amounts of THINGS. Things that get packed early in the process. Things that we DON’T MISS AT ALL while they are in boxes.

I am not a minimalist. That is an extreme that I’m just not at. If you are there, there’s nothing wrong with it. It is just not for me. I like things simple. Simplifying is my jam.

letter board // wire basket // arrow art by Lexi T.

One area that I struggle with cleaning out is books. I love books. Scott and I were finally able to unpack our own books for the first time in 4-5 years. This shelf sits in our office space, and it makes me so happy to see. I’ve got a few books in our bedroom that will fill in the gaps.

I’m really wanting to put a little free library in front of the house. Where we live is a route that is popular to run or bike past.

My body is worn out. But, it brings me so much joy to see these little corners of the house getting finished. It’s feeling so cozy and so much like home.