
Life gets heavy.

Do you have days where you feel like you have reached the end of your rope? Life just keeps piling things on top of you until you feel like you are about to break. That is where I am. You know my health issues. My aunt is still going through chemo to battle stage 4 lymphoma. My uncle is home recovering after a stroke that should have taken his life. It didn’t do that, but it was supposed to take his ability to walk. Well, it didn’t take that either. He is walking with a cane, and learning how to read and write again. That is great. There is another thing though. Something that I cannot talk about yet. Something that is weighing so heavily on me that I am having to force myself to eat because I just feel sick to my stomach.

This thing is weighing down on my shoulders so heavily. This thing is making me angry. I am trying so hard to walk in victory, because Jesus paid it all. This load is NOT mine to carry. But, it’s a hard one.. I ask that if you are reading this, that you just pray. God knows exactly what is going on; that is what matters. Please pray for strength. Just, please pray.