natural living

Let’s Talk About Immune Support

The school year is starting for many people. This is always a great time to start stocking up on immune boosting products. Cold and flu season is coming. We won’t even talk about the C-word.

It should go without saying that I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing what our family does to give us a boost through the year. Consult your physician if you have questions.

Obviously, the most important is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Try to eat REAL foods and less packaged/processed. Spend plenty of time outdoors and getting exercise.

Multi-Vitamin— Scott and I take the Thrive Market brand of multi-vitamins. I subscribe and save to these on Amazon for the kids. This helps to fill in the gaps that we may be missing with our diet.

Probiotic— I am such a huge believer in gut health. So much of our overall health stems from our gut! We do tend to switch up with probiotics we take, just so we make sure that we are getting a good variety. Currently, the kids take this one and I take this one. It’s time to switch it up again.

ElderberrySambucol is our go-to brand. I trust it. The kids love it. I love it. We’ve used the syrup, the gummies, the pastilles, and more. (Start buying it now, because it always sells out in November/December!) I also make my own elderberry syrup with these dried berries.

Zinc— I’ve recently added this to my supplements. I work in a public place, and even with current restrictions in place, I want an extra boost.

Vitamin C— I mix this into our drinks. It is tasteless and easier for our bodies to absorb than a lot of Vitamin C supplements.

Congaplex— If I feel like I’m starting to come down with something, I will take this. It is available for a better price from your naturopath or if you know someone with an account.

Water— Drink water!! Sugar feeds the bad bacteria and can cause you to get sick easier. If it takes getting a cute water bottle to carry to get you to drink more, do it. It’s worth it.

It is an investment in your health. On the occasions that our kids do get sick, they bounce back so quickly. I fully believe that’s because we are proactive when it comes to their health and wellness.

While some products on this blog may be gifted (noted with a c/o), posts may be sponsored, or a small commission may be made via affiliate links, all opinions are my own & products are ONLY endorsed if they are truly things we love or would buy.