
Let me entertain you…

I am going to be alone night and day with the girls for 5 1/2 days soon. Now, I am their mom. Other than not feeling safe in this house, I am not worried about being a PARENT. If I am honest, it kind of offends me when people ask if I need help taking care of them. They are mine. I care for them daily.. I know that people asking that is not meant to hurt my feelings, so I try to remind myself that I am just being too sensitive.

I am dreading it though. I hate being in this house alone. Scott coming home from work helps to break up the day and makes it not feel soooooooooooo boring. It starts to feel monotonous and repetitive when Scott is away. The girls get bored. I get bored. We all cry. Then, we go to Target.

So, I am trying to put together plans for while he is away. If I set up boxes or bags that we can pull out each day with new and exciting plans.. I am a planner. If I have all of the supplies for a craft all ready to go, it really helps when you have a baby at your feet crying. Last time, I did a theme each day. Most of them were holidays. Halloween, Christmas, you know.. We did stickers and watched movies with the theme. It was fun. I think. The girls love crafts. I love crafts. I love Halloween. That’s irrelevant, but in case you wondered, it’s my favorite. 🙂 I want to be prepared with boredom busters for when we all are about to lose our minds.

The girls are obsessed with sewing right now. They watched me fix some holes in their stuffed ponies once, and Chloe even got to help. Ever since then they have been talking about sewing. I was thinking this paper plate weaving could be a fun project. I want them to learn all of these skills. Too many women don’t know how to do these basic things. My mom taught me, and I am forever grateful.

Number 8 on this list, a hopscotch mat, would be super fun to make. We could pull it out on a rainy day and during the endless winters.

This rock caterpillar would also be super fun!! They are obsessed with collecting rocks. This would be a great way for them to feed that obsession, and add a pretty decoration to our yard. I’ve also seen gnome home rocks. That would be pretty spectacular!

There is a list of 5 ideas on this site, but my favorite is croquet. This would be one for when Harper is asleep. I can just see her getting nailed in the face. The girls would really love this one though. Anything to get them moving and work some energy out is awesome in my book!

These get up and move dice are also pretty spectacular for the same reasons.

All of these ideas are great because they require very little or no money. We always have construction paper, paint, and rocks on hand. The hopscotch mat is the only thing that requires extra supplies that we don’t have. I would need to purchase two plastic “needles” for weaving also, but those are pretty cheap. I am so thankful to live in the Pinterest era. Mostly. There is a lot of competition that goes on seeing who can out-do the other. To me, that seems silly. Yeah, I try to make the girls pretty cakes for their birthdays, but I don’t care about giving out super awesome goody bags.

I have lots of other ideas on my Pinterest board for the girls.

What are your favorite indoor activities?