

I finished physical therapy on my knee today. I loved it. I feel stronger. It gave me a boost to get started at taking care of my health. I used to love running. It is HARD to get started after taking so much time off. I have been working out three times a week for an hour. I am stronger. I am sore. My body aches from working so many muscles that haven’t been worked in a long time.

I am still awaiting a brace for my wrist. I developed carpal tunnel when I was pregnant with Chloe. It never went away in my right hand. It goes numb constantly. It sometimes has shooting pains. My doctor is getting a brace for me that I have to wear ALL day. That is really not cool… but neither is numb hands..

I also am awaiting more test results. 😉 I feel like a human guinea pig. My arms are constantly bruised from blood work. HA. At least I am getting answers.

This has been such a trying year. I am so glad that we are entering my favorite season. It makes my heart happy. But, I already wrote about that..