

How is it possible that my first baby will be starting Kindergarten this year?!

Wasn’t it just yesterday that she was born at 3:56 AM. I remember it like it was yesterday. She was big and beautiful. My whole world changed.

Now, I am looking through Kindergarten curriculum. I am stressing about figuring out a set homeschool space so that she knows when she is there that it’s time to “work”. I want homeschooling to be fun. Chloe is an active girl, so I have chosen a curriculum that allows for active learning. Hands-on and lots of fun is the goal for this year. She is such a bright girl and picks things up so quickly. Sometimes too quickly.

I am searching pinterest for homeschooling in a small space. Lots of ideas. Some are unrealistic. Others are pretty good. It will be really interesting. Addi wouldn’t really be starting preschool until next year, but she is very interested in doing “cool work” (as she says) so I plan to print off some free worksheets for her. Harper will be one and probably into everything.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t nervous. I am terrified. I sometimes question if I am really meant to do this. However, I 100% believe that homeschooling is what I am meant to do. I am not one of those moms who judges the people who send their kids to Christian or *gasp* public school. I was raised in public school. I went to a great school. I am not ruling out the idea that we may one day put our kids in school. Right now, this is what is best for our family.

Right now, my biggest concern is WHERE to put our space. I have mentioned a million times how small our home is. Doing work at the kitchen table is just not working well because we need our supplies close by. There is no where to put our supplies close by. I am not really sure what we will do, but hopefully I can figure it out quickly… My mind feels like it will explode soon.

I love being able to homeschool. I know my children. I know their quirks and what works best for them. No two children are the same. I want our space to be conducive to learning, but also fun. Learning is fun. It should always be fun. I want my kids to love to learn and read. I believe that I can nurture that in them, and not make them feel like learning is work.

This quote sums it all up pretty well.


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