
It’s a wonderful life.

Life around here has been so crazy busy!!
I signed up to be a Jamberry consultant on Nov. 1, so I have been busy building my direct sales business. I am trying really hard to NOT be THAT friend.. I created a separate group for my business so that it’s not clogging everyone’s newsfeeds. Hopefully that worked.

I had finals for my Faith Bible Institute Class. It was so hard studying.. I could not focus on anything at all to study! I don’t think that I did very well this time.

I am starting a MOPS group from the ground up at our church and could use A LOT of prayers. I cannot do this in my own strength.

I had my sleep-deprived EEG, and cannot get the results until February unless if an appointment opens up before then. šŸ™ No driving still.

I am currently on antibiotics for mastitis. Big shock. haha! While at a follow up, I asked the doctor about some pain that I have been having in my neck. She said that she could feel my thyroid “and, I’m not supposed to feel your thyroid” so now I am waiting on blood test results and will be going for an ultrasound of it. I wish my thyroid would just get itself together and stop causing concern. Get over yourself ‘roid.

My aunt started chemo and radiation treatments. My uncle had a massive stroke that has left him paralyzed on his right side. The kind of stroke that he had is one that most people don’t survive. God is good. Please be in prayer for both of them as they recover. They are both stubborn fighters and I believe that they can both win their battles.

Harper is growing and still as sweet as can be. We are delaying solid foods until she is 6 months old since she has food allergies. We are starting to cloth diaper her. I figure that it will save a lot of money in the long run. We already do a load of laundry a day, so it won’t make much of a difference.

Chloe is silly and smart as can be. She is so excited for Christmas and still obsessed with Elsa. She has really come around and tries to help out with Harper as much as possible… she loves to make her smile.

Addison is also silly and super smart. The words that she uses constantly blow our minds, and she is obsessed with my little pony. “RAINBOW DASH IS THE FASTEST FLYER!!!” She is still Harper’s #1 fan.

Scott is handsome as can be, and amazing as usual.. just in case you were wondering. šŸ™‚