
“It is cancer”

I have been talking on here a lot about an unspoken request. Something being very heavy on my heart. Something that turned my world upside down. It has been publically shared, so I feel that I can share it on here now.

My dad had some blood tests done and had to see a urologist because his PSA levels were elevated. They did biopsies of his prostate. My dad text me one day asking me if we could Skype. That’s not too unusual on a Saturday because we like to see them and chat. I told him that I’d be home from the grocery store in a few minutes and then I would call him.

We chatted for a few minutes and then he said that he was going to have to get going, but he wanted to give me his news. He said that he got the results of his biopsy. “It is cancer.” Then the internet messed up and he froze. I froze. It is WHAT?

Prostate cancer is an extremely slow spreading cancer. He had a bone scan and stomach CT, and it was all clean. His cancer is contained to the prostate, and they are now weighing their options.

My dad is a fighter. He is battling heart disease. He had a stroke. He is not letting them win. I know that this cancer won’t win either.

I feel like God must have something really good coming for our family. Usually there is a big storm before the rainbow. I know that God is doing something in us because Satan is fighting so hard to take us down. God is BIGGER. God is BETTER!!

Please pray for my family. This news is hard to hear. It sucks to be completely honest. It really sucks to hear that your dad has cancer. We are angry.. but I know that we will be ok.