

Yesterday, I spent FOUR HOURS at home having contractions every 10 minutes. I ignored it for a while.. chugged 30 ounces of water and laid on the couch.. and still.. every 10 minutes.. Waited twice as long as they told me to before heading into the hospital. They were painless other than the fact that she is sitting really low, so having Braxton hicks pushes her downward.. which is just not comfortable for anyone.

Now, it was a Wednesday night, which means that my youth pastor husband had a lot on his plate. Throw his psychotic pregnant wife that can’t drive on his plate and just knock it all over the place. As soon as they hook me up to all of the monitors, NOTHING!!

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a preemie, and I am thankful that it stopped. There were no signs of labor. They tested for some infections because they said that could be the cause of the “false labor” that I just put up with. They said that my uterus was just “irritable” because it was contracting over and over again.. just nothing big enough to be a concern.

As soon as they send me home and I start walking to the car with Scott, guess what starts again?! Obviously, I didn’t need to go back to L&D, because nothing was happening or wrong, but it was just plain annoying.

This morning at 6:55 AM I get a call.. that I ignored.. and a message saying “We have some test results to share with you, and need a pharmacy number to call in a prescription.” So, I am thankful that I went in and looked like an idiot, because they wouldn’t have found the infection otherwise.. but I think I am just as irritable as my crazy uterus.

Someone get my husband some oreos. He deserves them..