
I'm a Yogi…

Ok, so that title might be stretching it a bit.
Yoga with Adrienne
A little over three weeks ago, I asked Scott if he would do yoga with me after the kids go to bed. I knew I needed accountability, and it was something that we could do together easily. (easy yoga. ha!) I had been hearing about “30 days of yoga with Adriene” for years, and have wanted to try.  (I had bought a yoga mat two years ago and used it once.) We are now on day 17, and I’m hooked. I fall over a lot still, but I love it.
Why yoga? Well, because of my hormones bottoming out, I put on 40-50 pounds in ONE YEAR. I have held onto all but 5 of those pounds, and I’m tired of it. My knees and hips hurt a lot from the extra weight. I used to run 3-4 times a week, and really loved it. I hated getting out the door and actually running, but I loved how good I felt after. A year into running, I started to mostly enjoy it. But, I know that with where I am at physically, running and jogging would hurt a lot. We do go for walks, but I wanted something more. I need to build my strength.
With the 30 days of yoga, she really eases you into the practice. It wasn’t overwhelming at all. We started out stretching and just getting accustomed to being aware of our bodies. The first night, we ended with corpse pose. Adriene said “give yourself permission to do nothing.” I had tears streaming down the sides of my face. I don’t know how to give myself permission to do nothing. My mind is constantly going and thinking about all of the things I need to get done. So, I did my best to quiet my thoughts and pray.
The whole yoga practice is about being aware of yourself. If you center your weight and make yourself aware of the placement of all of your fingers and toes, you balance so much better. It’s about awareness. Focusing on inhaling and exhaling. Slow down. BE INTENTIONAL.
Intentionality is a word that we think about a lot these days. But, how often are we intentional? Intentional with our time. Intentional with our words. Intentional with our actions. Any pose where our hands are open and spread towards the sky, I think to myself “God, I’m open. I’m ready for anything you have for me.” It’s been so nice to focus in on my mind and make myself aware of my thoughts.
In the beginning, Adriene says to think of a word or phrase to focus on. Having a focal point or phrase sometimes help you be more intentional. Because it is an exercise program, mine is “I am strong”. Not I will be strong– but I AM strong. Self-love is something that I am working hard on. I tear myself down so often, so the phrase that snaps me back to focus is that I am strong. My body is capable of incredible things. God allowed this body to safely bring three babies into this world and feed them. God gave me this body to serve others. This body is fearfully and wonderfully made. I am HIS masterpiece, and so are you.
I see myself getting better each day. I get really stinking frustrated with myself still. Just ask Scott. But, it’s getting better.
There are 90(ish) days left in the year. Remember the goals you set for yourself in January? Pull them out again! Finish the year of strong. It’s never to late to start something new.
We found some good kids yoga videos, and have started doing those before bed some nights. The kids love it, and it’s so fun watching them try.

// Scott’s yoga mat // My yoga mat // kids mat // yoga blocks //