health,  motherhood

I CAN even

We hear it all the time– I can’t even.

I can’t even get motivated to clean my house.

I can’t even handle my life anymore.

I can’t even get healthy.

I can’t even.


We can even. We can wake up and chose to take charge of the day.

I get it. Life is hard. Life is SO HARD. You guys, if I listed all of the ways that life has slammed me down over the past five years.. I don’t even want to go down that rabbit hole. Honestly. Life has made me depressed. The constant trials, hurt, pain, struggles, and suffering have made me wish it would be over. There are days it takes every ounce of strength just to put my feet on the floor in the morning. I GET IT. It’s hard. It’s ok when you are in a dark place to take a day of rest.

Self-care is all the rage. That is great, but sometimes it seems to go the one extreme or the other. Either you have to be busy to the point of destruction, or you have to be so lazy that you are also at the point of destruction. How about we change that. It is ok to take care of yourself. It’s ok to say “no” to the things that you don’t have the time or energy for.

Saying “no” to everything in life because “I can’t even” isn’t acceptable. Our families deserve better. Our friends deserve better. Quite frankly we deserve better. We deserve to wake up in a home that fills us with joy because we CAN even take the time to tidy up our home. We CAN even go through all of the stuff that clutters our lives and minds. We CAN even take the time to go for a walk or run to clear our minds and take care of our health. We CAN even make a healthy meal for ourselves. We CAN even take the time to spend with our children and husbands– because they deserve more than an empty shell.

I don’t want to be remembered as the one who “can’t even” with anything. I want to be remembered was one who COULD.